Is it weird to date someone who doesn't drink?

Sober dates don't have to be weird. But whether you never touch things or just take a break from alcohol, there's no reason for that to ruin your dating game.

Is it weird to date someone who doesn't drink?

Sober dates don't have to be weird. But whether you never touch things or just take a break from alcohol, there's no reason for that to ruin your dating game. It depends on why and how they act about it. Overall, I think that if someone has considered quitting drinking, it's probably a good option for that person, at least for a while.

I usually see it as evidence that they probably had a responsible conversation with themselves at some point. Dating someone who is sober has a lot of perks. Your first kiss doesn't happen because of liquid courage; it happens because of your own courage (even if your partner is drunk). Not drinking forces you to be more courageous and to make things happen, a good skill to develop in life, period.

It's much easier to give clear sexual consent. Evaluating if you really like a person is easier, since you answer all the questions about a guy's personality. There are no drunks texting exes, so there's been less drama for me and maybe a little less action, but I'm okay with that. I have the power and I choose it.

But I decided that this was an opportunity. Oh, you should, we could do one together. Gather stories for your friends. And you see how much people change when they drink.

It's a lot of fun to interact with drunk people until they reach a certain point.